Open Chat

Modularized Chat-Interface and API

for (AI-)Chat users and developers

Packaged open source full-stack application that can be deployed as a (AI-)Chat-Interface or its individual python packages can be used in any Django project. The REST and WebSocket APIs are built to be extensible and to be integratable with Bots and other apps.

Github Repository

All in one (AI-)Chat-App

Backend + Frontend + Bot API

Uses open source tools & libraries and is built with development and build processes in mind

Django Logo

Django + REST Framework + Channels

Includes several other django / python related libraries and tools.

Vike Logo + React + Shadcn UI

Reactive modern UI rendered server side and routed client side. Styled with tailwind and daisyui.

About services

Modularized to be Reusable

These are the planned features and modules

Django Logo

'Chat' Chat Module

A django app dedicated to chat only! Includes models, views, serializers, channels consumer and more.Independent of django user module, fully customizable and extendable.

Django Logo

'Core' User Management Module

Independent of chat offers authentication and user management if you don't want to use django's default user module or provide your own. Comes with Profile and Settings model REST APIs for any Django application e.g.: an (AI-)Chat-Application.

Django Logo+Kubernetes Logo+Vike Logo

Scalable Packaged AI-Chat-Interface

Combined with the Vike-React frontend, the two chat modules and the Docker or Kubernetes deployment the whole thing can be used as complete self-hostable AI chat interface

Contributors / Team

The people behind the project

Fabian Rücker

Data Scientist & Fullstack Developer

Jannis Tölle

Web-Developer & Computer Science Student

Tim Schupp

CTO & Fullstack Developer